“My Passion is Secondary Only to My Commitment to My Clients.”

– Michael Hildebrand

In-Home Functional Mobility and Corrective Exercise Programs

My vision for fitness has always been more that just losing weight or lifting weights…
 After retiring from the Navy in 2001, I worked at different gyms and quickly found my passion working with clients with physical issues and debilitating diseases. Management and members noticed my unique ability to work with clients struggling with Muscular Dystrophy, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, After Stroke Care and Chronic Joint Pain

It wasn’t long before I created Dynamic Transition. A place for those who struggled with daily activities but had hope that even with their limited capabilities they would one day be able to regain and maintain their dignity and independence.

My training method is built around the unique abilities and goals of each one of my clients, with the aim of not only achieving goals, but also enriching lives. I discovered that thru basic functional movements and an understanding of my clients challenges that I could create an individual program for each and increase their understanding of functional movements.

Serving Peninsula and Williamsburg, VA


Stephen F.

“I have worked with Michael for four months now and so far have progressed well beyond the goals we originally set. I had suffered from more than two decades of mobility impairment caused by a spinal cord tumor and subsequent problems resulting from two broken hips, a broken femur, and some six months ago, a broken femur on my other leg. That last event left me wheelchair-bound, with a grim prognosis by other physical therapists that it was unlikely that I could ever walk or even stand again.

By correctly assessing my muscular and neurological problems, Michael set me on a path to long term recovery. I now walk about fifty feet, a distance I am increasing every day. I have also been able to once again enjoy hour long rides on my recumbent tricycle, an activity I had imagined would no longer be possible.

Michael is personable and enjoyable, enabling me to continue enthusiastically our regimen of nearly daily workouts for some time to come.”


“In 2017, my 97 year old dad needed help. Having been disabled by two serious strokes, he was wheel chair bound and could do very little for himself. He had maxed out of his home PT/OT that Medicare paid for and I was not physically able to transport him to any treatment outside his home. My dad wanted to improve and struggled to remain positive. I was so grateful for my dad’s attitude. Then a Kiwanis friend of mine told me about Mike Hildebrand and we gave him a try.

The first difference I noticed was that every other physical and occupational therapist spent half of their time recording data for medicare/insurance requirements on their computers. Mike spent 100% of his time working with my dad. Working with Mike became the high point of my dad’s day.

Mike was reliable, always on time and kept me informed. Instead of sending me pages and pages of repetitive notes, he would send me a 15 second video of my dad crossing his legs for the first time in over a year.

I recently said to Mike at a Kiwanis meeting, “the bad news is that Mike does not accept Medicare and insurance, the good news is that Mike does not accept Medicare or insurance.”

Teresa G.

“I saw a post of yours on Facebook and I am so glad that I inquired about your services. From our first contact to now more than 3 months into therapy with mom, we have been extremely pleased and impressed with Michael’s extensive therapy knowledge and professionalism. He has genuine desire to help improve moms daily life and is continually researching her mobility limitations and condition and making recommendations about holistic and traditional medicine avenues for us to explore in hopes that we may find answers and solutions to the root cause of her daily pain and limitations.

After 3 months of therapy sessions 3 times a week, I can see many positive changes in mom. Michael listens to moms goals in the beginning and he patiently works within her abilities to achieve them. After 2 months, she folded up her wheelchair and stored it out of site and now only uses the assistance of a rollator to walk. He encourages her to lead a more active lifestyle and to try to return to doing the activities that she previously enjoyed.

Mom is proud of the progress she has made and our family is grateful for the positive experience we have had with Dynamic Transition.”

Lisa C.

“I recently attended a seminar on Dynamic Transition. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis thirty years ago. I was doing well managing my illness, then I fell and broke my leg. The break required a cast from toe to hip for eight weeks. Following the removal of the cast I had balance and difficulty walking. After following repeated physical treatments, care plans. The insurance felt I had achieved my goals, refined to a wheelchair. After listening to Michael speak about his goals for his practice. I was told he takes over after the insurance gives up. He asked about my goals, I stated I wanted to be able to walk with a walker. He asked me to perform a few actions to determine if my goal was realistic. Michael felt I had to strength to achieve more function than I presented. I signed up for biweekly sessions. On the first session Michael stood in front of me and said “stand up and walk with him. After I stopped laughing asking if he was able to see I was in a wheelchair. He repeated the request, not accepting any of my excuses for why I could not walk with him. I finally appeased his sick sense of humor and stood up from the wheelchair, took his hands and began taking a few sad looking steps. After walking a few steps, he said my body was able to, but my brain was saying I could not because people kept telling me I had reached the best goal I could hope for. I began to cry saying no one had ever encouraged or had faith in me that I could take a few steps. We talked about past physical therapists, then shared his philosophy of therapy. That was several months ago. I am now able to walk down the hall with my walker and ride a recumbent elliptical bicycle for 15 minutes in the same session. Dynamic Transitions is on the path to giving me my life back. “

Gail T.

“I met Michael Hildebrand at a Senior Advocate event several months ago after having rehabilitation for a hip replacement. The rehab has gone well but it did not address other issues that impacted full recovery. Posture was a problem with walking, standing and sitting. I decided Mike was the answer to my problems. We set up twice a week where he taught me exercises that were gentle and effective. I have improved enough that family and friends have commented on it. He is encouraging but at the same time gently tells me when I need to work harder. If I find that an exercise is not comfortable he is always able to suggest another that reaches the same goal.

Michael has made a difference that enables me to see my goal become a reality.”

Megan G.

“I am so glad I came across the Dynamic Transitions page and looked into the services further. I was not able to drive my dad out to group exercise classes due to my own work schedule so having Mike visit my dad in his home is a huge benefit. We had already seen the difference in my dad’s movement abilities when he is not on a regular program versus when he is exercising regularly, so having Mike do one on one sessions with my dad was a huge improvement over the past year and half since he attended group classes. Having Mike work through a series of therapeutic and specific exercises is so beneficial to keeping him mobile and functioning as best he can as he deals with Parkinson’s disease. We are grateful to have found Dynamic Transitions.”

Jim R.

“I would like to unhesitatingly recommend Michael Hildebrand as a mobility advisor and expert. I have used his skills and experience to keep myself mobile and healthy despite several physical challenges. A few years ago, I started to develop back problems after retiring from the Army. This was soon complicated by suffering two, fortunately minor strokes, which only made my back problems worse. My sharp eyed wife spotted Dynamic Transitions ad in a local newspaper and we set up an initial meeting at our home. Mike coming to you for sessions was a good step. We discussed my situation and goals and his focus and experience. Mike’s good efforts and professional abilities have kept me mobile despite several dire assessments and warnings from the medical professionals.”

Donald & Susie F.

“Michael Hildebrand has done a marvelous job with our son. Our son is very hypertonic across his upper back, shoulders and arms. Michael has massaged and stretched his arms to the point that he is assisting, though minimally, in pushing his arms through sleeves. They have worked on his walking and Donald had improved tremendously, very seldom dragging his feet now. They are also working on rolling over and we are pleased to say that he can roll over in bed now without assistance. We highly recommend Michael to anyone who had mobility challenges. You will be highly pleased with the results.”

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